bid document distribution tools +

Local Builder's Exchanges

Frequently Asked Questions is a hosted bid document distribution tool that allows you to advertise your bidding project. With you can manage an electronic plan-holders list. Distribute Bid Documents and associated project updates to all plan-holders. Projects are available on your website for advertisement as well as posted in Local Builder's Exchanges for maximum bidding coverage. allows you to manage your bidding project while getting the bid coverage a local Builders Exchange offers. allows you to communicate with your plan-holders throughout the bid phase. You get access to activity reports and can track if your messages were recieved and addenda were downloaded.
We saw a need in the marketplace for a tool to allow a plan-issuer to advertise their proejcts and manage the bid phase while working with local Builder's Exchanges in a way that hadn't been possible previously. was created to give you the tools you need to manage the bid phase and still post projects into the Builder's Exchanges/ Planrooms to meet get your projects in front of local subcontractors and suppliers in your market area.
  1. 1. You create your project and upload bid documents to the website.
  2. 2. The project is imported into the local Builder's Exchange project database.
  3. 3. The 2 projects are synced together for tracking purposes.
  4. 4. You then advertise the project as you normally would. The Exchange will also notify their members that this project exists.
  5. 5. All Plan-holders are synced together. If you add a plan-holder they are synced with the Builder's Exchange. If one of the Builder's Exchange members joins the Plan-holders list, they are synced to your plan-holders list. One list of all plan-holders that can be accessed anywhere at anytime.
  6. 6. You now have access to review activity logs from the Builder's Exchange so you always know who is looking at your projects inside the Builder's Exchange.
  7. 7.Anyone can join the plan-holders list from a public URL that you are given that you can include in the invitation to bid as well. was designed as part of a larger vision of keeping the Exchange as a hub for stakeholders in the construction industry. Historically Exchanges have focused on serving our members through advertising projects directly to our members. Creating planrooms and virtual planrooms for our members to visit to access bidding projects.

We see a need through software solutions to continue to support the construction industry. Tools like and are extensions of the traditional planroom. These tools allow us to not only serve the members through advertising bidding projects but serving the growing needs of the construction industry in the digital age. is an Invitation to bid tool that allows Contractors to send out bid invitations through the Builder's Exchange and managing all aspects of the bid process. visit to learn more.